Spring Hill Tae Kwon Do


Forms, or Poomses in Korean language, are a series of defending and attacking movements performed against imaginary opponents in a set pattern. Through the practice of forms, students come to learn the applications of various techniques of Taekwondo. Forms serve a multi-dimensional role, aiding in development and refinement of coordination, balance, timing, breath control and rhythm, all of which are essential skills to the Taekwondo student.


Poomses originate from the book 'I Ching', a Chinese oracle. The I Ching has 64 hexagrams, a combination of two sets of three lines, closed or broken. The sets of three lines are called trigrams. The closed lines represent Yang, the open lines Yin. In the Chinese language, the unity of Yin and Yang is called 'taich'i'. In the Korean language, the unity is called T'ae-guk. This explains the term Poomse Taeguk. The eight trigrams together are called Pal-gwe as in Poomse Palgwe.

Spring Hill TKD instructors will teach colored belts Taeguk forms 1-8 and Koryo. After advancement to black belt students will study Palgwe forms as well as Keumgang, Taebeck etc.

Form 1: Taeguk Il Jang -- Heaven
Form 2: Taeguk Ee Jang -- Lake
Form 3: Taeguk Sam Jang -- Fire
Form 4: Taeguk Sa Jang -- Thunder
Form 5: Taeguk Oh Jang -- Wind
Form 6: Taeguk Yook Jang -- Water
Form 7: Taeguk Chil Jang -- Mountain
Form 8: Taeguk Pal Jang -- Earth

Poomsae Koryo

Koryo poomsae is the first required form for black belt. Koryo poomsae symbolizes "seonbae" which means a learned man, who is characterized by a strong martial spirit as well as a righteous learned man's spirit.


Poomsae Keumgang

Keumgang (meaning diamond) has the significance of "hardness" and "ponderosity". Mount Keumgang on the Korean peninsula is regarded as the center of national spirit. The "Keumgang yoksa" (diamond warrior) as named by Buddha, represents the mightiest warrior. The poomsae line symbolizes a mountain. The movements should be powerful and well-balanced.


Poomsae TaeBaek


Poomsae Pyongwon
