One Step Sparring

The following is a list of the One Step Sparring techniques. Red belts are expected to have memorized all twenty-two, and these will be on the black belt tests. All of these techniques are normally done with a partner, but it's very easy to practice them alone.

To perform the One Step techniques, have one partner (the attacker) stand in Front Stance, left foot forward, left low block, and then Kee-hap. The other partner (the defender) should kee-hap when they are ready. The attacker in front stance should now move their right foot forward into a front stance while executing a right hand punch straight forward. While the attacker is moving into front stance, the defender should perform the techniques, detailed below.

Number One

From ready stance, move your right foot 45 degrees forward and to the right into a horseback riding stance. With your right hand first, execute a double punch to the attackers solar plexus, while shouting "Tae" "Kwon".

Number Two

From ready stance, move your right foot 45 degrees forward and to the right into a horseback riding stance. Bring your left hand to your right ear, and prepare your right hand for a middle punch. Execute a left hand knifehand block against the attacker's punching wrist, while simulatenously punching to their solar plexus. Now, bring both hands back to the previous position, and then repeat, except the right hand punch should become a high punch (right underneath attacker's nose).

Number Three

From ready stance, move your right foot 45 degrees forward and to the right into a horseback riding stance. Execute a middle knuckle punch to the kidney area. Then, perform a two handed chin strike.

Number Four

From ready stance, move your right foot 45 degrees forward and to the right into a horseback riding stance. Left hand single knifehand block to the attacker's punching wrist, and right hand neck strike. Then, shift your weight into a frontstance, facing the same general direction of the attacker. With the hand that executed the knifehand block, grab their wrist, and pull the attacker into a reverse neck strike while shifting your weight into a frontstance of the reverse direction. This technique is easier to understand when seen.

Number Five

From ready stance, move your right foot backwards into a backstance, while doing a left hand inside block. Turning towards your back, turn such that you and the attacker are back to back. Using your right hand, elbow strike to the opponent's kidney.

Number Six

From ready stance, step forward with your left foot into front stance. At the same time, outside block with your left hand. With your right hand, execute a V Hand neck strike. With your right knee, perform a knee strike to the solar plexus.

Number Seven

Numbers seven and eight are easily confused. In number seven, step back with your left foot into backstance while blocking with a right hand knifehand inside block. Then, turning 180 degrees towards your back, execute a neck chop to the attacker's neck.

Number Eight

From ready stance, step back with your right foot into back stance while blocking with a left hand outside knifehand block. Turn 180 degrees towards your front, then execute a neck chop to the attacker's neck. Remember, number 7 starts with an inside block, 8 starts with outside. They both step back, and they both end up with the defender on the inside of the attacker's punch. With those, you can figure out whether it starts with left foot back or right foot back.

Number Nine

From ready stance, step forward with your left foot into front stance. At the same time, outside block with your left hand. With your right hand, hook/strike around the back of the attacker's neck, and then knee strike to the solar plexus.

Number Ten

From ready stance, step forward with your left foot into front stance while executing a right hand twist block to redirect the attackers punch. Follow up with a knee strike to the solar plexus.


Numbers 11-22 have a pattern. All of the odd numbers from 11-22 start with sparring stance, left foot forward. Numbers 19 and 21 start with sparring stance, right foot forward. In addition, all of these odd numbers start with a kick. The even numbers are normal, starting with ready stance (the same as 1-10).

Number Eleven

Starting from sparring stance left foot forward, snap kick to the solar plexus, step down without touching your heel to the ground, and spring off the ball of your foot to snap kick to the face.

Number Twelve

From ready stance, left foot step back into backstance. At the same time, right hand knife hand inside block. Turn 180 degrees towards your back, and then elbow strike to the solar plexus with your left hand, followed by the same hand backfist to the face, and hammerfist to the groin.

Number Thirteen

From left foot forward sparring stance, right foot roundhouse kick, step down without touching your heel to the ground, and then right foot hook kick.

Number Fourteen

From ready stance, left foot step forward into front stance while blocking with a right hand twist block. Right foot kick to the back of the opponents knee, then right hand knifehand to the back of the neck.

Number Fifteen

From left foot forward sparring stance, right foot ax kick, and step forward landing in a horseback riding stance. From here, jump back kick with your left foot.

Number Sixteen

From ready stance, left foot step forward into a back stance while doing an assist high block. Then, grab the opponents head with your left hand, and middle knuckle punch to the chin. Finish with grabbing their shoulders, and knee strike to the solar plexus.

Number Seventeen

From left foot forward sparring stance, hop step sidekick with your left foot. Land with your left foot outside in front stance. Follow up with a right foot roundhouse kick to the chest.

Number Eighteen

From ready stance, step forward with your left foot into a front stance, while doing a left hand outside block and right hand spear finger to the solar plexus. Then, bring your back foot up to your front foot and elbow strike straight up from your right hand. Follow up with a backfist to the face.

Number Nineteen

From RIGHT foot forward sparring stance, back kick to the solar plexus, landing in a left foot forward front stance. Simultaneously execute a left hand outside block and a right hand punch to the solar plexus.

Number Twenty

From ready stance, step forward with your left foot into front stance while executing a right hand twist block. With your right hand, bring the twist block into a wrist lock. Then, two right foot roundhouse kicks to the stomach, followed by a right foot axe kick to the back of the neck.

Number Twenty-One

From RIGHT foot forward sparring stance, back hook kick with your left foot (360 degrees). Follow up with a left foot sweep to the back of the knee, pulling their leg out from underneath them, and towards you.

Number Twenty-Two

From ready stance, bring your left foot up into "crane stance", facing sideways. Left hand outside block, then with your left hand, grab the opponents wrist. Pull the attacker into a left foot sidekick, stepping down in front stance just outside of their leg (to your left). Move your right foot through the space between your foot and the attacker's nearest foot. Execute a hip throw from this position, spinning the opponent around your waist, such that they end up on the ground, facing the same way they started the attack in. (The defender should also be facing the same way as the attacker)